Environmental Assessments and Authorizations: SEA - EIA - IPPC Permit

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Workshop "Regulations for the use of the Excavated Earth and Rock - Ministerial Decree 161/2012. Issues relating to the implementations at national and regional level"

Terre e rocce da scavo


Within the activities provided in the National Operational Programme "Governance and System Actions" 2007-2013 ESF - Line of intervention 7.B "Actions supporting Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedures "the Directorate for Environmental Assessments of the Ministry of the Environment Land and Sea, organizes on the 26th of march 2014 at the National Research Centre in Rome the Workshop: "Regulations for the use of the Excavated Earth and Rock, Ministerial Decree 161/2012. Issues relating to the implementations at national and regional level".

The workshop is designed as a moment of productive confrontation among all the actors involved (MoE, Ispra, National Technical Commission, Regions, Provinces, ARPA, APPA, Developers, etc.) on the implementation of the Regulations and in the evaluation and control of the activities involving the use of excavated earth and rock.

The workshop, divided into three sessions, will highlight the reflections on what has emerged to date in the field of evaluation and monitoring activities at national and regional level, of evaluation and control activities by ARPA and APPA, as well as experiences gained by the developers and designers. The day will conclude with a panel discussion that will aim to draw the concluding remarks of the working day and to make proposals on possible prospects and opportunities to be seized in the near future.